Valley pool table identification
Valley pool table identification

RVFV is reported to be transmitted by a variety, and different types of mosquito species. It is difficult to predict RVFV epidemics but typically a repeat of infection cycles has been observed every 8 to 10 years in African countries.

valley pool table identification

This outbreak raised the concerns of the global spread of RVFV at different locations such as Asia, Europe and America due to climate change, international trade of live animals and animal products. The first outbreak of RVFV outside Africa was reported in the year 2000 in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. Previously, RVFV outbreaks were reported in Arab countries such as Egypt, Sudan and Somalia. Traditionally, RVFV outbreaks were considered to be confined in African and Indian Ocean islands. The first outbreak of RVFV was reported in the livestock population of Kenya in 1931 and re-occurrence has been reported mostly in African countries.

valley pool table identification

Human infection can occur by mosquito bites, exposure to the infected animal’s blood, tissue, body fluids or aborted fetus materials. It belongs to the Bunyavirales order, Phenuiviridae family. RVFV consists of enveloped, negative-sense, single-stranded segmented (S, M, L) RNA. Our data will help risk assessments of RVFV future re-emergence in the region. In summary, the current study assessed the composition, abundance, distribution of different mosquito vectors and presence of RVFV in different areas of the Jazan region. All mosquito samples tested by RT-PCR were found negative for RVFV. tritaeniorhynchus exhibited a close relationship with mosquitoes from Kenya and Turkey, respectively. tritaeniorhynchus was recorded as 100% and 44.4% in the region. tritaeniorhynchus were recorded as 8.33%, 7.70%, 6.66% and 6.25% in Beash, Abuareesh, Sabyah and Al-Ahad areas, respectively. pipiens was found highly abundant in all districts and RA% value (100%) was recorded in the Al-Darb, Al-Reath, Al-Aridah, Samttah and Damad areas, whereas RA% values (93.75%, 93.33%, 92.30% and 91.66%) were noted in Al-Ahad, Sabyah, Abuareesh and Beash districts, respectively. Significant variations in vector population densities were observed in different districts. tritaeniorhynchus) were found with RA% values of 96% and 4%, respectively, in the region. pipiens) and Culex tritaeniorhynchus ( C. The presence of the Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) in pooled mosquito samples was investigated by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The relative abundance (RA%) and pattern of occurrence (C%) were recorded. Vectors were identified morphologically, as well as COI gene segment amplification and sequencing. Entomologic investigations were conducted in the Al-Darb, Al-Reath, Al-Aridah, Abuareesh, Al-Ahad, Samttah, Sabyah, Damad and Beash areas by CO 2-baited CDC miniature light traps in the Jazan region.

Valley pool table identification